You will be stunned to know that 93% of firms that suffer from significant data disasters and don’t have practical recovery plans can shut down within one year. 

Scary as it sounds, losing essential and sensitive data is a lot more scary and, at the same time, inevitable as there are several reasons through which that can happen, for instance, errors, hardware failure, cyberattacks or data breaches, or even natural disasters. 

Therefore, the best solution to tackle this issue is to have regular data backups through your trusted web domain and hosting provider. 

Also, go with dedicated server hosting to secure your data, as it ensures maximum data security and integrity.  

What do you mean by creating a backup of your data?

Creating a data backup refers to copying your data from one location and storing it in another location for recovery purposes if there is some loss of data.

There are several reasons why one can lose their data, and some of the reasons have been listed above.

Therefore, it is an essential practice among all businesses to get all your data backed up from time to time to protect critical business information.

Usually, such backed-up data is stored in an external storage device or the cloud. However, big companies dealing with extensive data must go for using a dedicated server for data backup. 

Difference Between a Backup Storage and a Backup Server?

Although both the terms, backup storage and backup server, might sound the same, they are very different from each other.

Backup storage refers to creating a backup on the local device, which can be an external drive or storage unit, which is usually kept in the home or office.

Whereas backup server refers to systems that carry regular backups, i.e. monthly, weekly, quarterly, as per command given for your file application and data.

The main difference between the two is in backup storage, you cannot access your data from a different location. In contrast, with server backup, you can access and upload your data and create a backup from wherever you are.

Why is it essential to have a backup of your data on a dedicated hosting server?

  1. Improved Security

With dedicated server hosting, you get exclusivity of a server with enhanced security, which lowers the risk of potential data sabotaging. 

Further dedicated server hosting comes with DDoS protection, ensuring data safety against malicious attacks.

  1. Offshore Backup

With a dedicated hosting server, you can keep one backup copy offshore, which is a good practice to mitigate the risk of local server hacks.

  1. Disaster Recovery

Dedicated backup servers are primarily spread across multiple global data centres, which helps to protect against data loss in case of natural disaster loss.

  1. Automated Backups

A dedicated server also simplifies the creation of automated data backup with the flexibility to upgrade storage seamlessly.

  1. Ease of Access

You also get easy access to your data from virtually anywhere by logging into the dedicated server, facilitating easy restoration even while travelling.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness

Renting a dedicated server is more affordable than investing in physical backup solutions with no upfront costs.


Conducting a regular data backup is a non-negotiable practice to keep your data safe.

Backing up your data on a Dedicated Server provides an accessible, secure, and trustworthy way to retrieve data whenever needed. 

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